The following terms and conditions apply to all translations. The client’s agreement to these terms and conditions is implied upon acceptance of our quotation.
Payment Terms
In general, payment is required within 30 days after delivery of the completed translation, unless otherwise agreed in writing. Should you require a longer payment period, this will be factored into the price of the project.
Larger projects may require an advance payment of up to 50% of the total quoted price to be paid before commencement of the job, with the balance due within 30 days after delivery of the completed translation.
We accept payment by check, wire transfers or PayPal and TransferWise – both in US dollars or euros.
We respect client confidentiality, and have done so for years. We are happy to discuss your particular requirements in this regard.
Codes of Conduct
We subscribe to the American Translators Association Code of Ethics and Professional Practice.
We endorse’s professional guidelines for translation service providers.
Since we are located in the United States, all clients, including those in Europe, are exempt from this charge.
Read our Disclaimer and Legal Notice